Swimming Pool

Annual Swimming Pool Schedule

We are pleased to announce our 2025 community pool schedule.

The pool will be open only when there is a lifeguard on duty and during non-inclement weather. Hours of operation will be as follows:

May 3rd through May 26th – Open weekends plus Memorial Day

Saturday & Sunday   10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Memorial Day (May 26)   10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Full-time Operation beginning May 28th through August 10th

Tuesday – Sunday   10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

August 11th through September 28th – Open weekends plus Labor Day

Saturday & Sunday   10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Labor Day (Sep 1)   10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Note: If a national holiday falls on Monday, the pool will be closed for cleaning the following Tuesday. Your pool access device will not grant you access outside of the above outlined times.

Splash Pad Schedule

  • March 1 – October 31

Pool / Splash Pad Hours (Weather Permitting)

  • Open from 10:00 am to 09:00 pm
  • Closed for cleaning every Monday
  • The Pool must be closed if there is thunder and/or lightening within the vicinity.

Gaining Access to Association Amenities

Each homeowner must have both an amenity card and a wristband to gain entry. Each property receives 4 free wristbands. Each additional wristband is $5.00 per wristband. Each household is allowed four guests.

The first two cards are free for any new homeowner. Each additional or replacement access device is $30.00 and can be purchased online at www.spectrumam.com by logging into your homeowner account or in the Spectrum Association Management office located nearest to you.

User Requirements

The following criteria must be met to use the pool:

  1. Must be current on all assessments with a zero balance prior to issuance/activation of a pool card.
  2. Must have a pool card and wristband to enter the facility.
  3. Must be a resident/member and/or guest of a resident/member. Maximum of four guests per household.
  4. Non-paid resident of the association may not be considered a guest.
  5. All members and guests are expected to abide by the pool rules and failure to do so will result in a suspension of access for the remainder of the pool season or an amount determined by the board.

Harassment of the lifeguards will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The Association or its Board of Directors reserve the right to evoke pool privileges from anyone at any time should they cause an unsafe or unpleasant pool experience, break any pool rules or have a delinquent account status.

Pool Parties/Reservations

Pool parties/reservations are allowed at the expense of the homeowner. Parties/reservations must be booked directly through Gulf Coast Aquatics by calling (281) 538-7946. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Swimming Pool Rules

Official Swimming Pool Rules can be found at: https://www.brittanylakes.org/swimming-pool/rules/

Amenity Card Registration
Brittany Lakes HOA has been in the process of upgrading the gate access system for the pool, splash pad and tennis courts in the community. During this change, we will be running a registration process to allow us to update and clean our records and ensure that only current Brittany Lakes residents will have access to the pool areas and tennis court.
We are excited to announce that this project is completed in time for the 2024 pool season, which will start with the opening of the splash pad on March 1, with the full pool area opening on Saturday, May 4. This program change will also affect homeowners that use the tennis courts, which are open year-round from 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. 
Who does this affect?
Everyone in the community; each household will need to register their access device(s) to gain access to the locked amenities.
When does this need to be completed by?
If you would like to gain access to the tennis court, pool or splash pad areas, the registration form will need to be completed in order to reactivate your card. This form can be found here: https://spectrumam.com/homeowners/access-and-amenities/pool-gate-waiver/
After the form is completed, please allow 24-48 hours for your card to be activated, and you will receive a confirmation email after your waiver has been completed. The magnetic locks to the tennis courts will be reactivated on February 29, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. If your access card has not been registered by this date, you will not be able to gain access to the tennis courts until this process has been completed. Homeowners will be unable to access the splash pad until March 1, 2024, and the pool until May 4, 2024.
When asked ‘Type of Device Requesting’, please select ‘Pool’ only, even if you are registering for access to the tennis court. The ‘Gate’ option only applies to community entrance gates and does not apply to Brittany Lakes.
Brittany Lakes HOA also requires that each homeowner must have a wristband to be granted entry to the pool. Please complete the wristband form at BL-Pool-Card-and-Wristband-Form.pdf to receive your wristbands. You will have the option to either have them mailed to your address or pick them up from the League City office. Please note that each homeowner must be current on their account in order for their amenity card to be reprogrammed and/or wristbands disbursed.