December 17, 2020 Board Meeting

Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes

Pursuant to Article VI, Section 1 of the Bylaws of the Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. a meeting of the Directors was duly called and held on December 17,2020 via Zoom meeting.


Representing the Members of the Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association were the following Board members:

  • Todd Edwards
  • Kim Widener
  • Diana Lawless
  • James Charo
  • Jeramy Roesler

Representing Spectrum Association Management, LP was:

Community Manager-Danny Benvin


A quorum of Board members was announced, and the general session meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.


Homeowners present were given the opportunity to present discussion items with the Board, the homeowners present did not have any inquires or topics to discuss with the Board.


The Board was provided with the minutes from the September 24, 2020 meeting. The Board approved the meeting minutes as presented. Motion to approve by James Charo, second by Todd Edwards.


The Board was presented with the December 2020 financial report.


  • The Board was presented with the Wabo Roofing bid for the increase of adding the pavilion to the scope of work with a cost of $25,536 for the complete roofing project. There was a motion to approve by Todd Edwards second by James Charo, Kim Widener was also in favor.
  • The Board was presented with the final draft of the ACC letter to be mailed to all homeowners. All were in favor of mailing.
  • The Board was presented with concerns regarding the landscaping company. Spectrum rep (Danny) would contact the vendor and schedule conversation with them regarding homeowner and Management Company requests. Spectrum rep will follow up with Board on next meeting to update on progress.
  • The board was presented with bid from Certapro to paint the 3 buildings at the pool area. The bid in the amount of $3,470.47 was motioned to approve by Todd Edwards, second by James Charro and Kim Widener was also in favor.
  • The Board was present with the Peel newsletter for the community, the cost and frequency has been requested from the vendor and will be discussed on next meeting.

With no further business to discuss in the open forum, the general membership was dismissed, and the Board entered executive session at 7:42pm.


The Board reviewed items in executive session related to escalated collection and deed restriction matters.


With no other business to discuss, the Board adjourned the meeting at 8:12 P.M.


January 28,2021

BRT Board Mtg Minutes 12-17-2020