December 15, 2011 Board Meeting


Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.
Reconvened Annual Meeting Minutes

December 15, 2011


Pursuant to Article VI, Section 1 of the Bylaws of the Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. an annual meeting of the membership was duly called and reconvened on December 15, 2011 at the League City acmy-scaled located at 1700 Brittany Bay Boulevard in League City, TX 77573.


Having failed to achieve quorum at the originally called annual meeting and its subsequent attempt on November 29th, 2011 a third reconvened annual meeting was called where a quorum was achieved with 88 residents present either by proxy or in person. The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm.


The membership was presented with a copy of a meeting notice which was mailed out to the membership announcing the reconvened meeting.


The membership present was introduced to the current sitting Board of Directors Todd Edwards, Greg Ellis and John Dunn. Absent with apologies were Directors Janet Alleman and Mariane Maximous. Spectrum provided an introduction to their website at to assist homeowners in reviewing their personal account information as well as corresponding with Spectrum’s office.


Director Dunn motioned to approve the meeting minutes as presented and was seconded by Director Edwards. The motioned carried unanimously approving the 2010 minutes.


A.   Proposed Fine Policy: The Board presented their current initiative of proposing fine policy to aid in the stricter enforcement of deed restrictions throughout the community. The Board presented this to the membership for discussion and all of those that spoke on the matter voiced their approval of such an effort to help maintain the aesthetics of the community.

B.   2011 Community Updates: The Board presented a brief overview of the 2011 community projects that had been undertaken including; fence repair/staining of entire community perimeter fence, tennis court/pool access control system installation, light pole installation at Recreation Facility, parallel parking lot on Loon/Longspur park, new Altamire monuments and Landing Blvd. landscaping project. An owner inquired on the possibility of having the wrought iron fences around the large lake repaired and re-painted and the Board noted that they would consider undertaking a consultation project where the consultation and recommendation of a contractor was covered by the Association but all repairs as a result of that consultation would be the responsibility of the individual owners owning those fences. The Board also presented a need for more community volunteers to assist in the development and progress of community improvement projects. Members were encouraged to become a part of a community committee to be involved in this process.

C.   Future Community Projects: The Board provided an overview of proposed plans for new development in the Recreation Facility area and went over the layout/plans as had been developed by an architect for the planning of future improvements to include: an ~5200 sq.ft. community center building modeled after Magnolia Creek’s community center, a basketball court, a volleyball court, a new running track around the entire site, the addition of 5 workout stations, the addition of a multi-purpose baseball/soccer field and the addition of a new and larger parking lot area. Members present expressed some reservations for the addition of the volleyball court as maintenance on the court and keeping an adequate sand level were noted as being difficult. Members present inquired on the possibility of adding in a splashpad or possibly turning the community into a gated community. The Board advised members that the idea behind some of the proposed improvements was due to correspondence between residents that stated a need for more recreation options for older children in the community. The Board also advised that turning the community to a gated community was not likely due to the additional costs associated with maintaining private streets (i.e.: increases in annual assessments due to constant need to maintain gates and/or streets and hiring private security to patrol). Members were advised that the plans as presented were not set in stone and could always be adjusted based on feedback from community members if a large enough consensus was provided. In addition to the recreational park project, the Board also noted that they were planning a lighting project to add new light poles to the pond and Essex park area as a safety and aesthetics project. This was noted as being a project that would be undertaken in the early part of 2012.


Director Ellis provided a brief overview of the Association’s financial standing and went over the spreadsheet provided to all residents showing the Actuals as of Oct. 2011 as well as the 2012 budget which had been adopted by the Board of Directors. Director Ellis advised that as the Association stood, an increase in assessments was not projected until ~ 2016 to assist in covering expenses related to Capital Improvements/maintenance on Association common elements as called for by the Association reserve study (i.e.: pool facility/equipment, playgrounds, irrigation systems etc.).


The membership was advised that due to the amount of absentee ballots and votes by proxy already submitted and the number of nominees being 2, the same number of open seats, a vote by acclimation would be taken to officially elect nominees Todd Edwards and Tiffany Vance to the Board of Directors. A homeowner inquired on if they could nominate someone from the floor and the membership was advised that they could however, a considerable number of proxies would need to be had from the nominee in order to surpass the number already obtained for the current nominees.

With no nominations being presented from the floor, Director Ellis made a motion to accept the vote by acclimation and was seconded by Director Dunn. The motion carried and Directors Todd Edwards and Tiffany Vance were accepted as new Board members for 2011-2012.


With members present having already had the opportunity to make inquires during the meeting presentation, no other inquires were made by the membership.


The membership was advised that the next meeting would be a regular Board meeting held in January 2012, 6:30pm @ the Perry Home acmy-scaled.


With all business discussed and no other or new business presented to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.

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Authorized Signer                  Jennifer Roberson

Brittany Lakes Homeowners          Managing Agent
Association , Inc.

12.15.2011 BRT Annual Mtg. Min