Reconvened Annual Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2013
Pursuant to Article VI, Section 1 of the Bylaws of the Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. an annual meeting of the membership was duly called and reconvened on December 19th, 2013 at the League City located at 1700 Brittany Bay Boulevard in League City, TX 77573.
Having failed to achieve quorum at the originally called annual meeting a reconvened annual meeting was called where a quorum was achieved with those present either by proxy or in person. The meeting was called to order at 6:44pm.
The membership was presented with a copy of a meeting notice which was mailed out to the membership announcing the reconvened meeting.
The membership present was introduced to the current sitting Board of Directors Todd Edwards, Greg Ellis and Melissa Kirkland.
A motion to approve the meeting minutes as presented was made and was seconded. The motioned carried unanimously approving the 2012 minutes.
With four candidate profiles being received by the deadline of November 18th, 2013, there were four candidates on the ballot for three board seats. Having utilized an electronic election, the floor was not opened for nominations. After counting proxy votes and adding to the electronic tally the new board members were announced. Directors Todd Edwards, James Charo and Julianna Domokos were accepted as new Board members for 2014-2015.
A budget and financial overview was given by Bart Jones along with a short Q & A for the membership. The 2014 assessment is to remain the same at $475.
The floor was opened up for question and answer. Discussion first focused on lights that were out at the Park and Reserve monuments at the front of the neighborhood, and on lights at the Park and Tennis courts. It was explained that a contractor was already working on the lights and that they should all be working in the next week or so. Additional discussion concerned the pet potty stations and that one of them had a rusted out basket that needed replacing.
The membership continued with discussions on cleaning roofs, replacing ‘no solicitor’ signs, and missing irrigation controller covers. Also mentioned was reviving bids for additional trees at the smaller parks, redoing the fountain in front of the pool, and re-staining the fences where weed eaters had marked up certain areas.
The membership then took up discussion of an incident where a homeowner’s dogs attacked another homeowner’s dog, causing large vet bills for the attacked dog. A clear majority of homeowners present requested that these dogs be removed from the neighborhood as they were thought to be dangerous. The owners of these dogs were present and stated that they had done everything they could to prevent this from happening again with the one dog they still had (after animal control took one away and euthanized). The board listened to both sides of the spirited discussion.
The membership was advised that the next meeting would be a regular Board meeting held on December 16th, 2010, 6:30pm @ the Perry Home YMCA.
With all business discussed and no other or new business presented to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 pm.
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Authorized Signer Jennifer Roberson
Brittany Lakes Homeowners Managing Agent
Association , Inc.