Board Meeting Minutes.
May 24, 2012
Pursuant to Article VI, Section 1 of the Bylaws of the Brittany Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc. a meeting of the Directors was duly called and held on May 24, 2012 at the League City Perry Family located at 1700 Brittany Bay Boulevard in League City, TX 77573.
In attendance representing the Brittany Lakes HOA Board of Directors were Greg Ellis, Todd Edwards Mariane Maximous & Tiffany Vance. Absent with apologies was Janet Alleman. Also in attendance representing Spectrum Association Management was Jennifer Roberson.
A quorum of Board members was announced and the meeting was called to order at 6:38pm.
Homeowners present made inquiry in regards to:
- The repair of the Loon area parking lot and the current damage to the lot. The owner advised he thought it was a large truck causing the damage since he saw there was a guy who always parked his lawn maintenance truck there with the trailer while he worked. The membership and the Board were advised of the pending repair by LBJ Services. The Board expressed concern with the possibility of poor quality of work since the other spaces along Brittany Lakes Dr. didn’t sustain any damage like that.
The Board of Directors reviewed the previous meeting minutes from April 26, 2012 and opted to approve the minutes unanimously as an official record of the Association.
The Board of Directors reviewed the financial packet for April 30, 2012. The Board was advised of the current Association Asset balance of $1,026,070.72 and a current aged receivable of $102,075.78 with 2012 balance due still being at $43,813.57, an approximate 7% delinquency rate for 2012. Director Ellis inquire don the current balance due for title searches conducted. It was noted that the total balance due under title searches reflected 58 title searches having been completed. The Board was advised that they could review to-date aged receivables on the Association website under their Board member access.
No Report
The Board confirmed the adoption of the new ARC Guidelines at their last Board meeting. The final document is pending receipt from Hoover Slovacek so it can be posted online and a notice sent to owners on how to obtain their copy.
The Board also voted to unanimously approve the proposed fine policy as had previously been sent by Director Ellis. The newly adopted fine policy will be filed and recorded with the County and included on the notice to owners about how to obtain a copy of that new policy as well as the ARC guidelines.
Director Vance & Maximous advised that the Essex park project would be tabled until the fall when weather was more conducive for planting.
No Report
The Board was advised that the next newsletter was pending for June. Committee member Dunn had sent an email requesting submission on articles for the newsletter. Director Vance advised she would write up something in regards to pending projects that were in the works to be included in the newsletter.
Playground Improvement Proposals
The Board was presented with all 3 proposals for playground improvements including proposals previously submitted by All-Play and Lincoln Services. The final playground proposal from McKenna Construction had originally been emailed to the Board for review prior to the meeting. After some discussion, the Board opted to table a vote for further review of the McKenna proposal. In addition, the Board requested that McKenna provide a quote on a different fall surface material other than the kiddie cushion. Spectrum will confirm with McKenna that they can attend the June meeting with this information. The Board requested that on the meeting notice for June, it be specifically stated that there would be a vote on the playground improvements so owners would hopefully come out and see what is being planned.
Director Edwards noted that while the monument lights were now on, there were still 2light poles in the parking lot that were out. The Board also requested confirmation on the mosquito spraying schedule for their community.
June 28th, 2012 @ 6:30pm
With all business discussed and no other or new business presented to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.
___________________________ ___________________________
Authorized Signer Jennifer Roberson
Brittany Lakes Homeowners Managing Agent
Association , Inc.